Koxia and Sequence (CF 1770F)

Timothy Mou - Sat 07 January 2023 -

I encountered this Codeforces problem with some really interesting and remarkable ideas, so I decided to write a short note about it. This solution is partly based off an explanation by CF user aryanc403.

We are given integers 1n<240 1 \leq n < 2^{40}, 0x<260 0 \leq x < 2^{60}, and 0y<220 0 \leq y < 2^{20}. An array A A of n n non-negative integers is good if a1+a2++an=x a_1 + a_2 + \dots + a_n = x and a1a2an=y a_1 | a_2 | \dots | a_n = y. We are asked to compute the bitwise XOR of all elements of all good arrays.

Formally, let the score of an array be a1a2an a_1 \oplus a_2 \oplus \dots \oplus a_n. We want to compute the total score (bitwise XOR) of the scores of all good arrays.

High-Level Overview

This can seem like an intimidating problem. One way to get started is to write a brute force and see if there are any patterns in small cases. Alternatively, the fact that we are dealing with XOR instead of addition or multiplication indicates that we can utilize some very nice symmetric properties about XOR. Here's a simple observation we can make that illustrates this point:

Lemma: If n n is even, the total score is 0 0.

Proof. First note that in a palindrome of even length n n, each element appears an even number of times, so its score is 0 0, and it does not contribute to the total. Thus let's only consider non-palindromic good arrays. For any good array A A, consider its reverse A A', which is also a good array. We can compute the total score by pairing up arrays and their reverse (e.g., (score(A)score(A))(score(B)score(B)) (\mathop{\mathrm{score}}(A) \oplus \mathop{\mathrm{score}}(A')) \oplus (\mathop{\mathrm{score}}(B) \oplus \mathop{\mathrm{score}}(B')) \oplus \dots). For each pair A A and A A', the two arrays contain the same elements, so score(A)score(A)=0 \mathop{\mathrm{score}}(A) \oplus \mathop{\mathrm{score}}(A') = 0. Thus the total score is also 0 0. \square

This simple proof illustrates an important concept that we will use later: if we have a set S S and an involution f:SS f : S \to S (i.e., f(f(s))=s f(f(s)) = s for all sS s \in S), we can compute the parity of the size of S S by counting the number of elements fixed by f f. In other words, we can pair up elements in a set that cancel each other out.


Let's collect some terminology we will use:

  • The binary representation of a nonnegative integer x x is the unique set of powers of 2 2 that sum to x x.
  • If a a and b b are integers, we say a a is a submask of b b (sometimes written ab a \subseteq b) if the powers of 2 2 in the binary representation of a a are also in the binary representation of b b. For instance, 3=0112 3 = 011_2 is a submask of 7=1112 7 = 111_2 but not 5=1012 5 = 101_2.


Our high-level plan will be as follows. Since any element in a good array will be a submask of y y, the total score will also be a submask of y y. Therefore let's compute the total answer by counting the total contribution of each power of 2 2 in the binary representation of y y. If 2i 2^i appears an odd number of times among all elements of all good arrays, then we add 2i 2^i to the answer; otherwise, we add 0 0.

So, for each power of 2 2, we want to count the parity of the number of times it appears among all good arrays. We will need some way of representing the conditions that the sum of a good array is x x, and that the bitwise OR of a good array is y y. However, it turns out that this bitwise OR condition is a bit unwieldy, and it is easier to work with the relaxed constraint that the bitwise OR is simply a submask of y y. We can recover the original constraint by using the inclusion-exclusion principle and considering all submasks of y y.

This sounds good so far, but we still haven't dealt with the meat of the problem: counting the number of arrays whose sum is x x with some particular constraints. Moreover, by using inclusion-exclusion and considering each power of 2 2 independently, we have forced ourselves to iterate over O(ylogy) O(y \log y) (bit, mask) pairs, so ideally, we would be able to compute this number in constant time or at least O(logy) O(\log y). Since we are only concerned with the parity of the number of arrays, it turns out we can compute this in O(1) O(1) with the help of some number theory (Lucas' Theorem) and some clever pairing-up arguments.


Matrix Fun

We assume n n is odd. (As shown above, the even case is trivial.) Let B=[b1b2bk] B = \begin{bmatrix} b_1 & b_2 & \dots & b_k \end{bmatrix} be the powers of 2 2 in the binary representation of y y. For instance, if y=13 y = 13, then B=[202123] B = \begin{bmatrix} 2^0 & 2^1 & 2^3 \end{bmatrix}. If A A is a good array, since a1a2an=y a_1 | a_2 | \dots | a_n = y, ai a_i is a submask of y y. We can imagine "redistributing" the bits in A A to produce a new good array.

More precisely, given a good array A A, let ci c_i be the number of elements that have bi b_i in their binary representation. Since a1a2an=y a_1 | a_2 | \dots | a_n = y, and there are n n elements in an array, 1cin 1 \leq c_i \leq n. Let C=[c1c2ck] C = \begin{bmatrix} c_1 & c_2 & \dots & c_k \end{bmatrix}^\top. Since a1+a2++an=x a_1 + a_2 + \dots + a_n = x, we have BC=c1b1+c2b2++ckbk=x BC = c_1 b_1 + c_2 b_2 + \dots + c_k b_k = x, and there are

F(C)=(nc1)(nc2)(nck) F(C) = {n \choose c_1} {n \choose c_2} \dots {n \choose c_k}

ways to redistribute bits to obtain new good arrays with the same C C vector. Each good array corresponds to some C C, and we can compute the total score by computing the scores of each of the F(C) F(C) good arrays corresponding to C C. If F(C) F(C) is even, then since each bi b_i appears an even number of times, the score of all F(C) F(C) arrays is 0 0. If F(C) F(C) is odd, the score of all F(C) F(C) arrays is the XOR of all bi b_i, where ci c_i is odd.

By Lucas' Theorem, (nci) {n \choose c_i} is odd if and only if ci c_i is a submask of n n. In order for F(C) F(C) to be odd, all (nci) {n \choose c_i} must be odd, so ci c_i is a submask of n n for all i i. Therefore, let's rewrite our equation BC=x BC = x into a form where we are only considering solutions where ci c_i is a submask of n n. Let D=[d1d2dl] D = \begin{bmatrix} d_1 & d_2 & \dots & d_l \end{bmatrix}^\top be the powers of 2 2 in the binary representation of n n (since n n is odd, let's assume d1=1 d_1 = 1 for notational convenience). Then since ci c_i is a submask of n n, we can represent ci c_i with the row vector Ei=[ei,1ei,2ei,l] E_i = \begin{bmatrix} e_{i, 1} & e_{i, 2} & \dots & e_{i, l} \end{bmatrix}, where ei,j{0,1} e_{i, j} \in \{0, 1\} and ci=EiD c_i = E_i D. Let E E be the matrix of all Ei E_i, so

E=[e1,1e1,2e1,le2,1e2,2e2,lek,1ek,2ek,l] and C=ED. E = \begin{bmatrix} e_{1, 1} & e_{1, 2} & \dots & e_{1, l} \\ e_{2, 1} & e_{2, 2} & \dots & e_{2, l} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ e_{k, 1} & e_{k, 2} & \dots & e_{k, l} \\ \end{bmatrix} \text{ and } C = ED.


x=BC=BED=[b1b2bk][e1,1e1,2e1,le2,1e2,2e2,lek,1ek,2ek,l][d1d2dl]. x = BC = BED = \begin{bmatrix} b_1 & b_2 \dots & b_k \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} e_{1, 1} & e_{1, 2} & \dots & e_{1, l} \\ e_{2, 1} & e_{2, 2} & \dots & e_{2, l} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ e_{k, 1} & e_{k, 2} & \dots & e_{k, l} \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} d_1 \\ d_2 \\ \vdots \\ d_l \end{bmatrix}.

Each possible binary matrix E E corresponds to a choice of C C where each ci c_i is a submask of n n. Let's call matrix E E valid if BED=x BED = x. For each valid matrix where each row in E E has a nonzero entry (i.e., ci1 c_i \geq 1), we add bi b_i to the XOR-sum for each i i such that ei,1=1 e_{i, 1} = 1 (i.e., ci c_i is odd).


Let's compute the total score by computing the contribution of each bi b_i. We will add bi b_i to our total score exactly when there is an odd number of valid matrices E E with ei,1=1 e_{i, 1} = 1. However, recall that E E needs to satisfy the bitwise OR condition as well: for each ci c_i, we must have ci1 c_i \geq 1, which means that for each i i, at least one ei,j e_{i, j} in the i i'th row must be 1 1. The problem is that this is a difficult constraint to work with; we've already used this binary matrix representation to encode the constraint that each ci c_i must be a submask of n n, but it's harder to force each row to have a nonzero element.

Let's work around this problem by relaxing this constraint, and then recovering the original answer using the inclusion-exclusion principle over all submasks of y y. More precisely, suppose y y' is a submask of y y. Let g(i,y) g(i, y') be the parity of the number of matrices E E where ei,1=1 e_{i, 1} = 1 and the k k'th row in E E is allowed to have nonzero entries only when dk d_k is in the binary representation of y y'. Importantly, we don't require here that ci1 c_i \geq 1. Then g(i,y)=yyg(i,y) g(i, y') = \bigoplus_{y' \subseteq y} g(i, y'). This is the same idea as regular inclusion-exclusion, except we don't have to worry about signs since we only care about parity.

So now all we have to do is solve this relaxed problem for each i i and each submask y y'. The issue is that there are O(y) O(y) submasks and O(logy) O(\log y) powers of 2 2 to handle, so we're already up to O(ylogy) O(y \log y) complexity, and we still haven't dealt with how to count the number of solutions to this very large subset sum problem. However, keep in mind that we are only interested in the parity of the number of solutions, and this is again where symmetry comes into play.

Consider some valid matrix E E. For each nonzero entry ei,j e_{i, j}, we can think of ei,j e_{i, j} as "selecting" a pair of terms bidj b_i d_j to sum to x x. Instead of thinking of our solution space as all possible binary matrices E E, let's think of it as multisets of terms of the form bidj b_i d_j, where we select some subset to sum to x x. Then it turns out we have a simple condition to determine the parity of the number of ways to sum to x x:

Lemma. Let T T be a multiset of powers of 2 2 whose sum is S S. The number of ways to select a subset of T T to sum to x x is odd if and only if x x is a submask of S S.

Proof. Suppose we have two equal numbers in our multiset; let's call them a a and b b. If we have a subset that includes a a but not b b, we can pair it up with a nearly identical subset that includes b b but not a a, and these two subsets have the same sum. Thus if we have two equal numbers in our multiset, we only have to count the number of solutions where we either include both of them or ignore both of them, since by this pairing argument, the number of solutions where we include just one of them is even. However, if we are always either including or ignoring two terms equal to some power 2k 2^k, we might as well replace them with the single term 2k+1 2^{k+1}.

More precisely, if our multiset is T T, there is a bijection between

{subsets of T that both either include or exclude a and b} \begin{aligned} \{ \text{subsets of $T$ that both either include or exclude $a$ and $b$} \} \\ \end{aligned}


{subsets of T{2k,2k}{2k+1}}. \begin{aligned} \{\text{subsets of $T \setminus \{2^k, 2^k\} \cup \{2^{k+1}\}$} \}. \end{aligned}

Note that these two multisets maintain the same sum.

Moreover, we can repeat this process of replacing two copies of 2k 2^k with 2k+1 2^{k+1} until we have no more duplicate numbers in our multiset. At the end of this process, we have some set T T' of unique powers of 2 2 whose sum is still S S, which either has a unique subset whose sum is x x, or there are no subsets that sum to x x. We can form a sum of x x exactly when x x is a submask of S S. \square

Let's apply this observation to solve our subproblem. Given i i and a submask y y', our multiset T T is the set of terms {bidj,1ik,1jl,biy} \{ b_i d_j, 1 \leq i \leq k, 1 \leq j \leq l, b_i \in y' \} (which are all powers of 2 2 since bi b_i and dj d_j are powers of 2 2), where bi b_i is in the binary representation of y y'. Since dj=n \sum d_j = n, T T has sum ny ny'. We can assume that ei,1=1 e_{i, 1} = 1, so let's take this out of our multiset, so now our multiset is T=T{bi} T' = T \setminus \{b_i\} with sum nybi ny' - b_i. By our lemma, we have an odd number of solutions if and only if xbi x - b_i is a submask of nybi ny' - b_i.

Putting it all together

To summarize:

  • Count the contribution of each bit independently.
  • Use inclusion-exclusion to sum over all submasks of y y.
  • We can solve this relaxed subproblem by checking if xbi x - b_i is a submask of nybi ny' - b_i.

Despite some of the elaborate reasoning required, the resulting implementation is remarkably simple. I'll leave my submission here for reference.

Vandermonde Solution

The editorial provides a shorter method of arriving at the same implementation of the solution described above using Lucas' theorem and Vandermonde's identity. Again, we'll count the contribution of each power of 2 2 in the binary representation of y y and use inclusion-exclusion to XOR-sum over all submasks of y y. We wish to count the parity of the number of solutions to

a1+a2++an=x, a_1 + a_2 + \dots + a_n = x,

where each ai a_i is a submask of y y', and bi b_i is in the binary representation of a1 a_1. (Since each aj a_j provides the same contribution to the total score and n n is odd, the total score is equal to the contribution of a single aj a_j.) We can assume we have already added bi b_i to the sum, so then ai a_i must be a submask of ybi y' - b_i. Using Lucas' theorem, we can encode these submask constraints as the parity of

(ybia1)(ya2)(yan), {y' - b_i \choose a_1} {y' \choose a_2} \dots {y' \choose a_n},

since this product will be odd if and only if each binomial coefficient is odd, which requires that aj a_j is a submask of y y' (or ybi y' - b_i in the case of a1 a_1). Thus, we can count the parity of the number of solutions as

a1+a2++an=xbi(ybia1)(ya2)(yan)(mod2). \sum_{a_1 + a_2 + \dots + a_n = x - b_i} {y' - b_i \choose a_1} {y' \choose a_2} \dots {y' \choose a_n} \pmod{2}.

By Vandermonde's identity, this is equal to

(nybixbi)(mod2). {ny' - b_i \choose x - b_i} \pmod{2}.

Again by Lucas' theorem, we just need to check if xbi x - b_i is a submask of nybi ny' - b_i! You will occasionally see Lucas' theorem show up as a way of determining the parity of binomial coefficients, but this is the first time I've seen it used the other way around, using combinatorial identities to make checking subsets easier.

Anyways, I really enjoyed this problem and felt like I gained a much better understanding by writing this up. I hope you found it useful as well.